Site Visit Program

The West Region Wildfire Council offers FREE Site Visits for landowners and communities who live in or have properties in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). In order to be as efficient as possible, we take in to account numerous factors in determining when to schedule a Site Visit including:

  • Indicated availability of the Site Visit requestor
  • Date that Site Visit form request was submitted
  • Geographic proximity of other Site Visit requests in the area
  • Staffing and Funding availability
  • Elevation and expected snow levels

During a Site Visit a WRWC Wildfire Mitigation Specialist and/or Forester meets with a landowner or community resident, at their home or property, to discuss site-specific wildfire risk and wildfire mitigation strategies. 

Site Visit

During this 45-60 minute consultation landowners will receive the following:

  • Site specific information about their home’s structural ignitability
  • Specific recommendations for potential changes that will help ‘harden a home‘ and make it less vulnerable to ignition during a wildfire
  • Site specific information about a property’s vegetation, within and outside of the Home Ignition Zone,
  • Specific recommendations for changes to and maintenance of a property’s vegetation.
  • Detailed information about WRWC’s  Vegetation Management Cost-Share Program funding. 

If you are requesting on behalf of a community then your Wildfire Mitigation Specialist and/or Forester will discuss the next steps with you after the Site Visit.

Ready to request a Site Visit? Please fill out the “Site Visit Request Form” form below.

Site Visit Request Form: You will be asked to enter your information on several pages by clicking “Next” and then “Submit”. You will receive a confirmation screen and email once you have submitted your Site Visit request successfully.

PLEASE NOTE: We have paused Site Visits until Spring of 2024.

If you sign up for a Site Visit now, we will keep your information on file and will be in contact with you to schedule a Site Visit in 2024. Submitting your information now helps us in fundraising and other planning efforts.

We are looking forward to meeting with landowners as soon as we can but we are also asking for patience as we work to rebuild our capacity to serve our community.